What Is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?  

Digital Marketing is the the use of the internet to market a brand, product, business etc.  By creating an online identity for your brand, it will increase your brand image and awareness. You can also reach a wider targeted audience more efficiently. 

Digital Marketing is great for start ups as the cost is minimal.  Here are a few ways you can implement digital marketing into your business. 

  • A Website is the perfect place to start with Digital Marketing.  Your website content is essential and you will need to maintain it regularly and optimise the page content. 
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), by creating essential content and maintaining it regularly will determine  your websites presence (page ranking) on the search result in search engines so its important to practice good SEO. 
  • Social Media, by publishing and sharing information on platforms such a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram gives your brand exposure. Each platform has it's pros and cons for each brand and using the various networks with good results takes analysis and planning.
  • Email Marketing still proves to be effective, so use newsletters to communicate your message.
  • Content Creation, by keeping your site content fresh, relevant and up to date means there is activity around the site.  Creating regular high quality and informative content in the form of a blog post will ensure visitors keep returning to your site. 
  • Google Analytics, its very important to monitor your website and the benefits of great web analytics include Customer Insight (who, where, what and when), Strategic Insights (content, email, social, key word analysis and targeting) and Sales and Lead Generation.
Sinead Carroll

Mini Media delivers Digital Marketing and Social Media Solutions as well as Web Design for small to medium size businesses. We help clients get online, develop and use social media platforms to target their markets and develop their brand, as sometimes you simply may not have time to do it yourself.

We take the marketing headaches away to allow you to focus on your key business. My team and I can give you the tools and techniques to create a clear, organised plan for your business. We can assist you in starting small and building a marketing plan that will give you a return on your investment.

No need to feel overwhelmed, let Mini Media take your business from Bricks ’n Mortar to a successful online business. Start with creating a modern, responsive, fully functional website and see how you can start attracting and engaging with new customers through social media and email to get more word of mouth referrals.

Mini Media can provide a number of services, including Digital Campaigns, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Management and Consultancy, Web Design, and E-Commerce Solutions. We are based in Galway but service clients across the country.

To build your online presence, get more traffic, convert more leads and grow your business contact us today for a free consultation on (083) 1022553 or email minimediairl@gmail.com.


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